Stepping out in faith can be frightening.
Especially if you are stepping away from the avenues that make sense.
Especially if people that you trust tell you that you : a) are not in God's will, and b) give you sound Biblical advice about submitting to leadership.
But there comes a point when you have to choose.
Do we obey the intense leading of the Lord, even though it doesn't make a lot of sense, and people don't understand? When our pastor is telling us we are wrong?
Or do we step out in faith?
Proverbs 16:9
A man’s heart plans his way, But the LORD directs his steps.
Sometimes you have be to radical...
Following the God of the Universe is an adventure.
And when He gives you a calling, you can expect that it is going to take twist and turns that you do not expect. Sometimes you have to leave the familiar, and what seems right. We are looking at our journey from only our own vantage point. But our Creator God is seeing everything, and knows what needs to happen in order to accomplish His purposes.
My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.
John 10:27
We know His voice.
My husband and I have been Christians for over a decade, and in those years, we have learned what His voice sounds like. We have grown accustomed to the ways that He speaks to us.
And our God is relentless.
When our leadership had us convinced that we weren't hearing from God, that we were being clouded by selfish ambition, our God persisted.
When we tried to convince ourselves that we were wrong (out of submission to leadership), God began using other methods. And FINALLY we began to see that we could still hear His voice.
Twice in my life have I been told something by leadership that made me doubt my ability to hear when God was speaking to me. The first time I was much younger in my faith, and didn't have the confidence to question it. I didn't begin to heal from that experience, and grow in my faith until after we left that church, and started attending a different one.
This time, since everything about this adventure is new to us, and we have no idea HOW He is going to do things, we are always questioning what we are hearing, and asking for confirmation before we make any steps forward. Our desire is to stay right in the center of His will, not making any moves that are not directed by Him.
We are grateful for the confirmation that we have in fact been hearing from the Lord the whole time, and have been made more confident in our ability to stay right in His will. While the situation is painful, we are now more fully equipped for this good work that He has laid before us.
To quote my favorite song, by Laura Story:
Sometimes your blessings come through raindrops,
Sometimes you healing comes through tears,
Sometimes a thousand sleepless nights are what it takes to know you're near.
What if trials of this life
are your mercies in disguise.
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